Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Age Bitch Epiphanies

10. Spirituality can be addicting and used out of balance. Too much spirituality isn't all that different than eating too much sugar, drinking too much coffee, smoking too much tobacco, having too much sex or imbibing on too much alcohol or drugs. Like these other substances, spirituality can be misused to assist you in avoiding your bad feelings about yourself or the world. Who likes admitting you are an ass or that you made a big mistake? Much easier to blame it on the approaching 2012 end of the world, or that pluto or saturn is fucking your midheaven or ascendant than actually looking at what a dick you can be.

9. I do not like collective agreements. Spirituality is filled with collective agreements that people agree to every day without ever questioning them.

8. Spirituality isn't necessarily better than religion, despite what people say. Being spiritual vs. being religious doesn't mean you aren't going to be an ass.

7. Death sucks.

6. Please don't tell me that we had a past life together and mean it.

5. I've been happier since leaving my former spiritual communities than any other time in my life. I am content and fulfilled being a loner. It doesn't mean I'm avoiding personal growth or that I'm allergic to spirituality. Poo poo on the evolved pinhead humanoids who say that you are allergic to spirituality if you aren't going with the program.

4. Critical intelligence is as valuable as imagination.

3. Okay, this really pisses me off...can spirituality and spiritual people please stop making 'shadow work'such a big deal? How about, calling a spade a spade. You've got shit, I've got shit, let's admit it, accept it and move on. Turning the shadow into a holier than thou operation is really annoying. The world is filled with shadows and they aren't that big a deal. Adds depth, character & contrast to landscape. In humanoids, it isn't all that different.

2. Capitalizing 'spiritual' words. Stop it. It's arrogant.

1. I'm an ass, you're an ass.

1 comment:

  1. Love these! And, as I said...your bitch ROCKS!

    Here are some of mine:

    1.Death is a release, a way off of this planet...honor the process, and stop hanging on, when it's time...let go!

    2. If you are asking for assistance, then take it when it is given! I don't have time to nurse you along, too late for that!

    3. Quit whining and get out of your own way.

    4. Stop making everything pretty and fluffy. Stop icon-izing others and get off your ass and do what YOU are here to do!

    5. The dark does not have to be negative. If there was not dark, there would be no light.
